Getting that summer glow is one of the best parts of the summer! Feeling sun-kissed, bronzed and simply fresh and free. The real challenge besides getting your tan even is the ability to maintain your tan. We all wish our tan would just be permanent but here are the best and easiest tips on how you can keep that glowing skin for longer. Stay bronzed for longer and lets keep that summertime happiness with us through the colder months too.

The Most Essential Things To Do To Make Your Tan Last Longer
Take Cool Showers
Hot showers cause your skin to dehydrate and peel much faster if you want your tan to stick around for longer switch up your hot showers for cool ones. This does not mean you have to have freezing cold showers but cool ones are a better option. Using an oil-based shower gel can also increase your tan longevity.
Moisturise Every Day
Moisturizing is especially important never mind for your tan but you should do this every day regardless. Moisturizing keeps your skin cells plump and soft. Keeping your skin hydrated will lead to tone balance and a remaining glow. Make sure to apply a little extra to your hands, feet, elbows, and your knees.
Exfoliate Once A Week
Exfoliating is important to rid the extra SPF build-up, clear those dead skin cells. Exfoliating keeps your skin looking flawless, healthy and fresh. Your skin will feel radiant and look fresher than ever.
Spritz Yourself In Body Oil
Body oil nourishes and repairs your skin. Applying a little bit will work wonders on tan maintenance but it will also give off that glowy look. This is how celebs look glowing all the time.
Eat Foods High In Beta-Carotenes
Beta-carotene is a synthesized chemical compound that has a reddish orange pigment. It can be found in fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes, mangoes, carrots, and pumpkins. Research suggests that eating these will make your skin look darker.