Eating and drinking become uncomfortable, the voice raspy: a sore throat is not only an annoying matter but can also be the harbinger of more stubborn diseases such as tonsillitis. You ask yourself: What helps against a sore throat? We present the five most effective home remedies for sore throat and swallowing difficulties. A sore throat is a typical – and very unpleasant – companion of the cold months, and often comes along with a cold. If your throat is itchy and burning, if you have difficulty swallowing your daily food intake and if you can’t get any relief from lozenges, tried-and-tested home remedies are a natural alternative. We present the top 5 most effective home remedies for a sore throat and explain how you can relieve the symptoms early on.

Sore Throat: 4 Home Remedies That Help
Hot Lemon With Honey
It is not without reason that the citrus fruit is known as an absolute vitamin bomb: Just one hundred grams of raw lemon with around 50 grams of vitamin C covers half of the daily requirement of an adult. In a hot drink and combined with disinfectant honey, lemon juice is beneficial for sore throats and other cold symptoms. To do this, simply squeeze a lemon, pour the juice into a cup and fill up with hot, but not boiling, water. Depending on your taste, half a teaspoon of honey is enough to give the drink more sweetness.
Sweating In The Bathtub
Even our grandmothers and mothers advised to sweat out the illness when you have a cold and the like. In fact, heat has been shown to be effective for recovery from an oncoming cold and its attendant symptoms, such as a sore throat. The heat supply stimulates the mucous membranes and blood circulation of the patient, so that the body increases its immune system. A simple way to really work up a sweat is to take a hot bath. After the bath, be sure to dry yourself thoroughly and wrap up warm with wool socks, sweaters and the like. A bath additive with soothing herbs as aromatherapy can also help to relieve your sore throat.
Warm Potato Wraps
In this country, warm wraps in a wide variety of variants are traditionally among the typical home remedies for complaints in the throat and pharynx. If you notice that a sore throat is creeping up, you can use warm potato wraps as a preventive measure: You will need two different types of cloth, one for the inside and one for the outside (cloths made of linen, cotton or flannel are ideal) and a hand towel, as well as about three to four large floury potatoes. Boil the potatoes until soft, then place them on half of the inner cloth and mash the potatoes into larger pieces – they should not become mashed. Then turn the outer cloth over and put it in the inner cloth. Before putting it on your neck, be sure to wait a few minutes to avoid burns and reduce the temperature of the potato wrap. You should never use the compress with the still hot potatoes!
Sage Tea
Basically, if you have a throat, you should drink as much as possible so that your mucous membranes remain sufficiently moistened and swallowing difficulties are alleviated. Sage is particularly effective against pain in the throat and throat, as the essential oils, it contains prevent germs from growing and soothe the mucous membranes. Infusions made from dried sage leaves, which you can buy in pharmacies or health food stores, work even better than ready-made sage teas. For a safe and flavorful sage tea, steep the leaves in hot water for at least ten minutes. Drink several cups throughout the day.