Here’s Why Fad Diets Never Work
In this day and age, dieting seems to be simultaneously all the rage and the bane of our existence all at once. While many people want to lose weight, they typically turn to what they think are quick and “easy” solutions, like dieting. Another reason one might diet is that it can be fun hopping on a trend along with everyone else. However, you need to think twice next time you’re ready to change everything about the way you eat in search of some kind of health goal. Aside from the fact that fad diets don’t work, they can cause long-term negative effects on your health. The question that remains is: how can you improve your health in a positive way? What can you do to lose that stubborn weight? It turns out that it’s not overly complicated after all. And you won’t have to diet. Before we get to that, let’s delve deeper into the matter – why are diets unreliable?
They Deprive The Body
Most fad diets tend to be built around elimination or deprivation of the body. Diets that restrict specific food groups, combine foods in a specific way or timing, or follow rigid menus are unsustainable and harmful to your health. These kinds of diets may show quick results, but it’s not because you’re losing body fat. It’s because these diets target fiber, lean muscle, and water weight loss. This kind of weight loss can cause nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, and fatigue.
They Make You Focus On The Wrong Things
The thing about diets is that they distract you from other important components of a healthy lifestyle. Diets tend to focus on caloric intake more than anything. They don’t emphasize the importance of exercise and healthy lifestyle choices in general. The key to long-term weight loss and health benefits is sustaining an overall lifestyle that maintains the body in a positive way. Think about focusing on healthy behaviors rather than scale numbers. Focus on maintaining a healthy heart and decreased blood pressure. Use healthy goals as a measurement instead of calorie amounts. Doing this will keep you motivated on your journey.
They’re Impractical
Aside from being unsustainable for the long term, diets are impractical. A lot of diets follow very specific time frames and food groups. This limits your ability to eat certain foods and at certain times, obviously. But these sorts of routines aren’t ones that can be kept up for years. Even if a diet promises some kind of freedom with the foods you eat, it will most likely restrict the amount you eat or the time frame – this results in the same exact problem.
They Make Dieters More Susceptible To Weight Gain
When someone suddenly denies their body the food it craves, whether it’s bread, pasta, chocolate, or dairy, they’re potentially increasing their cortisol levels. Cortisol is the “stress” hormone that releases glucose in the blood for immediate use by large muscle groups. It also inhibits insulin processing, which causes insulin resistance – the central problem of Type 2 diabetes. High cortisol levels make your body develop fat, starves the cells of glucose, and force the body to send constant hunger signals to the brain which prompts overeating.