These Men Had No Idea That They Tried To Take Advantage Of The Wrong Elderly Lady

Published on 09/06/2020

A Moment Of Vulnerability

There were not many banks around, so she had to walk some more to get to the nearest one. Fortunately, she was still strong for a woman her age. However, she did not know that someone had been watching her… There were only a couple of meters to go, so she reached into the handbag to get her cards. She had no idea that this action was going to make her vulnerable. When she heard a noise behind her, her face turned red.

A Moment Of Vulnerability

A Moment Of Vulnerability


She Had Been Distracted

Her hands started to tremble. Back then, she was still clueless about what was about to happen. She headed to the ATM outside a bank in Bromborough, Wirral. Winny was still going through her bag for her cards. When she turned around, she saw that there was someone else waiting in line. “You go ahead,” she told the woman, “I’ll be a minute.” The woman used the ATM after thanking her.

She Had Been Distracted

She Had Been Distracted