Have you ever stood in your bedroom like a dumbfounded zombie, staring at a pile of clothes higher than the Eiffel Tower? Like come on, how on Earth did that chair get buried under four seasons of clothing that aren’t clean enough to go back into the closet, or dirty enough to go into the laundry? And don’t even start me on the dishes that are overflowing next to the sink! How did this happen to me?! I’ll never have a neat home!

Rule Number 1
Rule Number 1
Before you start stressing about how your home will turn into a laundry-littered, cutlery-cluttered, where’s-Waldo maze of madness, let’s take a deep breath. Ahhhh. Now, let’s start with the first rule. 5 minutes is not a long time at all, right? Right. Any task in your house which can take less than 5 minutes to complete should be done immediately, without hesitation. What do I mean? You’ve just finished with the salt? Put it back in the closet. Just filled the garbage bag? Throw it out and replace it. Most tasks won’t even take half a minute to do, but the result will pay off. Not only will you have a neat home, but it will also be easier for you to maintain a neat home.
Rule Number 2
“But what about bigger tasks? Like washing the dishes?” When you face tasks that will take longer than the time it takes you to open the fridge, implement the second 5-minute rule. Set a timer to 5 minutes and work until the timer sounds after 5 minutes have passed. Many tasks actually take less than 5 minutes to complete, so don’t be surprised if you’re left standing there with your hands on your hips with a minute and a half left on the clock.

Rule Number 2
Rule Your Mind And Enjoy A Neat Home
Of course, there will be household chores that require more than just 5 minutes to do, but there’s hope for those too. Once the minutes are ticking off and you’re scrubbing dishes or sweeping the floor, your mind will already get into action mode. This means that when 5 minutes are up, you are most likely going to continue whatever it is that you started because you’re going to want to finish the task. How neat is that? So be the ruler of your mind and the ruler of your home – 5 minutes is all it takes… and maybe a little more.

Rule Your Mind And Enjoy A Neat Home