When you hear the term “superfood”, your first thought should immediately shift to chia seeds. Not only are they brimming with medicinal properties and nutritional value but there are countless, tasty ways you can boost every day recipes. Take a look at three important reasons you should start incorporating chia seeds to your daily routine – you’ll be surprised with the instant results.
Helps With Weight Loss
Tons of health experts have looked into chia seeds and have strongly concluded that they can in fact help with weight loss. Now because chia seeds are loaded with high fiber and protein content, it means that the fiber will absorb large amounts of water thus it will expand in the stomach – ergo, this increases fullness and slows absorption of food.

Helps With Weight Loss
Improves Exercise Performance
Furthermore, sticking to the idea of weight loss, we have to touch on the fact that chia seeds can improve your exercise performance as much as a sports drink, if not more. Most everyone knows that sports drinks are loaded with caffeine and sugar which means you need to up your water intake just to remain hydrated and maintain a balanced performance of your body. However, opting for a chia seed pre-workout (post-workout too) drink will off you a more natural surge of sustained energy and hydration.
The easiest, and perhaps the tastiest way to add chia seeds to your workout regiment is with just a splash of lemon and a spoonful of chia seeds. Moreover, you can add chia seeds to yogurt for an added boost of natural energy.

Improves Exercise Performance
Skin & Aging
Just recently researchers from Mexico discovered that chia seeds are filled with a total natural phenolic (antioxidants) concentration which is almost two times more than previously believed. Furthermore, the antioxidant activity showed a stoppage of almost 70% of free radical activity. What does this mean? Antioxidants will speed up the skin’s repair systems, therefore preventing further damage such as premature skin aging which is the cause of free radical damage.

Skin & Aging