Sting (1985-2016)
I was only later in his career when Sting made the big move to WWE. Prior to that, he was a WCW pillar even after his colleagues already switched over. He competed against Cactus Jack, Jake Roberts, Rick Rude, Flair, and Vader to mold a path of his own. He thrived on his Crow rip-off alter ego and became a legend in his own right.

Sting (1985-2016)
Andre the Giant (1966-1993)
Even if you’re not a wrestling fan, you would have defiantly heard about Andre the Giant. Frequently he has been called “The Eighth Wonder of the World,” he was unbeaten for 15 years! It was not until Wrestlemania III that he met his match when he fought against Hulk Hogan, who bodyslammed and leg dropped him into submission. But nevertheless, he played Fezzick in The Princess Bride. When he passed away in 1993, he was nothing short of tragic.

Andre the Giant (1966-1993)