John “Bradshaw” Layfield
John “Bradshaw” Layfield is also known as JBL. He became popular as half of the Acolytes Protection Agency and was then a huge fan favorite as a result of his outrage and everyman persona. Apart from wrestling, JBL wrote a book on finance and reformed himself into a Wall Street professional. In actuality, he started looking down on the less wealthy, which then made him quite a dispised on-screen character.

John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield
Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon’s on-screen character is probably best known for his popular tagline, “You’re Fired!”. But that’s not all, his WWE career was quite remarkable, especially his conclusions. They included the Pedigree that was actually taken from Triple H, People’s Elbow (adopted from The Rock), the running jumping guillotine leg drop (from Hulk Hogan), and the McStunner (inherited from Stone Cold Steve Austin).

Vince McMahon