Not Amish
Don’t be so quick to judge when you see someone wearing a bonnet, they might not even be Amish. Some of them are Mennonite. While they are somewhat similar, the Amish and Mennonite are not the same. In fact, they would be very offended if you confuse the two. Mennonites are a Christian group that isn’t as strict as the Amish. They live in more modern communities and don’t seclude themselves. A lot of them use technology and drive cars as well. There are even times when a Mennonite wouldn’t be distinguishable by their clothing.

Not Amish
Even though the Amish have many restrictions with their habits and lifestyles, a lot of times they’re surprisingly permissive and allow individuals to come to their own conclusions. However, there still is a system for those who violate their rules. It’s pretty much the Amish version of a “time-out”. If someone is found to be in violation of their ethics code, there are definitely consequences. One of those is Meidung, meaning the person is punished by being shunned from the community.
