Check Your Pocket For Spare Change Because These Coins Are Worth More Than You Would Think

Published on 06/11/2020

For most people living in the “contactless payment” age, it is annoying to carry around so many coins. It is true that money is still money, but it can be inconvenient to count and store these metal discs. They are lightweight enough and pleasantly shiny, although most people would rather not carry them around. Why bother with spare change when you can pay with a card instead? We understand this dilemma of yours, but we also have something that might change your mind if you always find yourself asking, “Why can’t these just be bills?”

Check Your Pocket For Spare Change Because These Coins Are Worth More Than You Would Think

Check Your Pocket For Spare Change Because These Coins Are Worth More Than You Would Think

The truth is that you might have a seriously valuable thing amid all your spare change. It is true that the vast majority of them are worth nothing more than a dollar, a half dollar, a quarter, a dime, or a nickel. However, you might get lucky and find something with a value that is exponentially bigger than that! Who knows, you might actually be sitting on $400,000 all this time. We highly recommend reaching for your spare change and checking if you have any of these coins.


The “No Mark” Dime From 1982

This was the first time in the history of the United States that a coin without a mint mark entered the circulation. It is strange that they found a lot of these dimes at Cedar Point, the popular amusement park in Ohio. You might want to check if you have any of these because they go for over $1,300.

The “No Mark” Dime From 1982

The “No Mark” Dime From 1982