Don’t Be Fooled By These Companies, They Were Not Owned By Americans Anymore

Published on 10/27/2021

The Cleveland Cavaliers

The NBA’s first team was sponsored into the league in 1970. After that, the Cleveland Cavaliers continued to grow. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, for example, lent their support to the project. When it came to foreign investors in 2019, however, they began to arrive in earnest in 2019. Previously, the Cleveland Cavaliers had partnered with the New York Yankees and other American sports teams through businessman Jianhua. According to media reports, he bought a 15% stake in the NBA team for $125 million. There’s no need to be alarmed, as foreign investment in sports teams is nothing new. The reason Lebron James is so popular in China is because of this.

The Cleveland Cavaliers

The Cleveland Cavaliers


Riot Games Inc

Riot Games is well-known to anyone who has ever played the massively multi-player online game League of Legends. After its initial release in 2009, the game quickly grew in popularity and is now the company’s most well-known offering. Despite the fact that Riot Games and Tencent have been working together for a long time, their relationship peaked in 2015. The remainder of Riot Games’ shares were purchased by a Chinese conglomerate, which subsequently became the company’s parent. It already held a 93% stake in the gaming company prior to this. As a result, we believe the new development was already predetermined. Riot Games is estimated to be worth $6 billion.

Riot Games Inc

Riot Games Inc