Who knew that there was actual science behind getting the most out of your Costco membership? The members-only warehouses have their perks, there’s no doubt about it. If you want proof, just head to a Costco on a Saturday – you’ll see just how many customers are there with shopping carts that are full. While many people are sure they’re scoring the best deal by stocking up on cereal for the winter, that might not actually be true. To make sure you’re getting the best deals you can, find out what to buy and what to avoid.

The Worst And The Best Costco Deals
Buy- Maple Syrup
It’s common knowledge that maple syrup is more on the expensive side. It’s most likely that breakfast restaurants use the alternative which is usually loaded with corn syrup and doesn’t taste like the real stuff at all. Kirkland was smart and produced their own Pure Maple Syrup. The big 1L jug is more than worth its price, making it a best-seller.

Buy- Maple Syrup