Things You Should Always (Or Never) Buy From The Dollar Store

Published on 01/08/2020

Paper Clips

Did you know that you can actually buy a pack of 100 vinyl-coated colored paper clips for just one dollar instead of buying 60 paperclips for $2.49 at Office Depot? When you have the option to save money and get even more than originally planned, why would you say no to that?

Paper Clips

Paper Clips


Clay Flower Pots

Buying flower pots to decorate however you want is a super fun activity for a rainy spring day. Of course you will still need to buy paint or stickers to use to decorate the pots, but the same exact pot at a hardware store will cost you nearly $4, when one at the dollar store will be 25% of that price.

Clay Flower Pots

Clay Flower Pots