3. Neil Peart
It was for very good reason that Rush fans referred to Neil Peart as “The Professor,” as his drumming was renowned for its technical proficiency and incredibly demanding live performances. Peart, a lifelong Keith Moon enthusiast, was a theatrical performer who, early in his career, would produce hard-hitting stamina that approximated hard-rock drumming. He was also a dedicated Keith Moon fan. His style, on the other hand, eventually diverged from Moon’s, and he became noted for his thorough attention to detail and ability to adapt to new situations. Later in his career, he began mixing jazz and swing elements into his music, drawing inspiration from musicians such as Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich.

3. Neil Peart
2. Keith Moon
Due to his distaste for the monotony of traditional rock drumming, the late drummer for The Who entirely reinvented himself and declared himself “the greatest Keith-Moon type drummer in the world.” He was infamous for refusing to play drum solos, but it didn’t seem to matter because he handled the drums as if they were the most important instrument in the band. With his playing, he was also a showman who would break his drum sets on stage to make a spectacle of himself. “His breaks were melodic,” The Who’s John Entwistle, who plays bass, stated. As a result of his efforts, he was unable to play with everyone in the band at once. Fun fact: Moon was also the inspiration for the Muppets’ Animal, who was created in his honor.

2. Keith Moon