Putting the Sparkle Back into your Jewelry
Jewelry can give your outfit the sparkle that it needs. However, it can backfire on you if you never clean it. However, we understand that no one really enjoys using some foul-smelling chemicals to do so.

Putting The Sparkle Back Into Your Jewelry
It is much easier and better if you use tin foil instead. Simply put the necklace, bracelet or what-have-you in some soapy water. Add tin foil to the liquid. It sounds weird, but it will make your jewelry shine!
Antifreeze Paintbrush Covers
It is not always possible to finish painting the walls in only one sitting. We daresay it is impossible if you are on your own. Make sure to get some rest while you are at it. However, do not let the brush dry out!

Antifreeze Paintbrush Covers
It is going to be much easier to pick up the paint brush and keep going if you do this little trick. First, wrap the brush using tin foil. The material has antifreeze properties, which is the reason this works.