Grab Your Roll Of Tin Foil And Solve These Common Household Problems

Published on 01/02/2020

Locking in Flavors

Do you want to freeze certain food items? Here is a trick that can make your leftovers that much better. You can actually keep the flavors in check by wrapping the food in aluminum foil first.

Locking In Flavors

Locking In Flavors

You should no longer worry about making a lot of excess food when you cook up a meal. Just get tin foil and wrap away before putting the leftovers in the freezer. Simply reheat it when you have to eat!


Preserving Steel Wool for Longer

Steel wool is excellent when you need to scrub off hardened gunk on your dishes or in the sink. Sadly, these things often start to lose their shape and rust over sooner than you want!

Preserving Steel Wool For Longer

Preserving Steel Wool For Longer

It is not a good idea to throw out the steel wool as soon as you see rust. Nope, you can save a fair amount of time and money by covering it with tin foil and popping it in the freezer.