Grab Your Roll Of Tin Foil And Solve These Common Household Problems

Published on 01/02/2020

Sticker Free Jars

You should reuse glass jars instead of throwing them away in the trash. We do, however, understand that it is annoying to take off the labels. After all, they won’t always go no matter how much you scrub.

Sticker Free Jars

Sticker Free Jars

The solution is quite easy. First of all, you should soak the jar in warm and soapy water for a little while. After that, wrap it in saran wrap and let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes. Next, remove the wrap and wipe it!


Rolling Out Dough

When you roll out dough, it is common to use baking paper. We bet that you also do this if you like to bake. However, it might be a better idea to use plastic wrap instead. But why?

Rolling Out Dough

Rolling Out Dough

Perhaps the best thing about that method is how easy it is to clean up the mess afterward. The only thing you need to do would be to roll the dough between two saran wrap layers.