Little Known Uses Of Household Items You Should Know To Make Your Life Easier

Published on 09/19/2019

TicTac Hack

Are you the type to toss some TicTacs into your hand but only get one and put the rest back in the container? Well, this will be welcome news to you. That indent on the cap of a TicTac bottle is meant to catch a single TicTac as you tip over the opening. Your hand does not get dirty and you save time in tidying up your spillage.


TicTac Hack


The Hole In Your Spaghetti Spoon

You can drain pasta with these spoons, but did you know that their holes are good for something else? You can measure out a specific amount of spaghetti by sticking pieces of the pasta through the holes of these spoons. You will surely get a perfect measurement.


The Hole In Your Spaghetti Spoon