Make Threading Needles Easier
Don’t you think that the worst part of sewing something back together is not actually the sewing part but the attempts at getting the flimsy bit of thread into the opening of the needle? Well, for us, that is the ultimate struggle, so we found this hack pretty useful. You will need some clear nail polish for this. Dip the end part of the thread into the polish and you will see that it will harden. This makes it easier to get the thread through the needle.

Make Threading Needles Easier
Olive Oil: Not Just For Italian Food
To everyone who is experiencing dry skin, this hack is for you. Do not use all your olive oil for your pasta and bread dip because you will need it to fight the dryness in your skin. Apply a really tiny bit of olive oil to your body and face, but remember, a little goes a long way. The goal is to have dewy skin, not greasy.

Olive Oil: Not Just For Italian Food