30 Pictures Showing Unknown Facts From The Harry Potter Movies

Published on 05/06/2021

Sirius Black

Sirius is first described in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, where Rowling says he has “a mass of filthy, matted hair hung to his elbows. If eyes hadn’t been shining out of the deep, dark sockets, he might have been a corpse. The waxy skin was stretched so tightly over the bones of his face, it looked like a skull. His yellow teeth were bared in a grin.” But, she also notes that Sirius is quite good-looking.  Although the actor did a great job with his portrayal of Sirius’ fragile mental state following his imprisonment, his appearance never quite lived up to its obscenity in the books. On the contrary, Sirius had more in common with this chapter illustration showing Sirius as a young boy at Hogwarts.

Screenshot 3

Sirius Black



Who doesn’t love the beloved Hagrid?  In Harry Potter and the Sorcercer’s Stone, J.K Rowling describes Hogwarts groundskeeper Hagrid as “almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide”. With wild, long tangled, bushy black hair and beard that hides most of his face, he also has hands the size of trash can lids, and huge feet in their leather boots. Robbie Coltrane’s (who plays Hagrid)  hair and beard fit well with this description, but, although the actor is towering, he doesn’t reach Hagrid’s supernatural size. The half-giant is described as being 11’6″, while Coltrane is only 6’1″; although he became much taller with the help of some movie magic, he still didn’t ever seem as overwhelmingly large as Hagrid was meant to be.

