John Denver’s Music Career: His Rise And Sudden Fall

Published on 03/23/2021

A Fatal Test Ride

After his death in October 1997, the case was closed for good. The FAA decided in 1996 that Denver would no longer be allowed to fly planes. As a result of his failure to abstain from alcohol, the decision was made. And it would play a major role in his death… Denver was test flying an experimental plane he had recently purchased from a man in Santa Maria on October 12, 1997. That afternoon, he practiced touch-and-and-goes before taking the plane to California for a spin. His test ride was ultimately his last.

A Fatal Test Ride

A Fatal Test Ride


Why Did His Plane Crash?

The plane nose-dived into the water less than half an hour into the flight. Denver was discovered floating near the plane’s debris by search and rescue crews dispatched to the scene. It was later confirmed that his death was instantaneous due to the impact of the crash. While his death was certain, the reason for it remained a mystery. There were a lot of unanswered questions… Several factors contributed to the crash and, as a result, Denver’s death. The first issue was that Denver had not refueled the plane.

Why Did His Plane Crash?

Why Did His Plane Crash?