According To Statistics, These Are The Fattest States In The U.S.

Published on 11/26/2020

Iowa – 36.4% Obesity Rate

It is not rare for presidential candidates to visit different states to get the support of the locals. In Iowa, the goal is to visit the Iowa State Fair. This also gives them the chance to try all the local food: a butter cake shake, fried avocado, bacon balls, corn dogs, bacon-wrapped chicken wings, and caramel-dipped pecan pie. Just reading the names of those things is already making us feel like we just packed on the pounds.

Iowa – 36.4% Obesity Rate

Iowa – 36.4% Obesity Rate


Oklahoma – 36.5% Obesity Rate

Sadly, 18 percent of children aged ten to seventeen in Oklahoma are considered obese. That means that it has the sixth-highest rate of childhood obesity in the country. In the past thirty years or so, the obesity rate of children aged six to eleven has more than doubled. At the same time, it has increased fourfold for those who are twelve to nineteen years old! According to experts, this might be related to sweet drinks such as sports drinks, sodas, and energy drinks among the locals.

Oklahoma – 36.5% Obesity Rate

Oklahoma – 36.5% Obesity Rate