Honorable Mention: Wyoming – 28.8% Obesity Rate
Do you like elk, lamb, sausage gravy, chicken-fried steak, and bison burgers? If so, you should head to Wyoming! It is a good idea to eat these things in moderation, however. The state has 11,500 farms and ranches, which might explain why it has an obesity rate of 28.8 percent. This does not look good, but it is actually slightly lower than the current national average. It is not ideal, but it is doing better than most.

Honorable Mention Wyoming – 28.8% Obesity Rate
Honorable Mention: Florida – 28.4% Obesity Rate
People like to make all kinds of jokes about the Sunshine State. But when it comes to the obesity rate, Florida does better than most states in the nation. With 28.4 percent of its residents classified as obese, it is the 35th fattest state. Its Department of Health tries to promote exercise further, offer cheap healthy food, and encourage schools and workplaces to help with the issue.

Honorable Mention Florida – 28.4% Obesity Rate