The year 2007 was a memorable year for the whole wrestling world. A terrible incident happened and this tragedy was very heart aching for everyone who was part of the wrestling community, as a matter of fact, this issue is still being talked about up until this day. A documentary that features those people who were in touch in the crime was released, this painted a clearer vision of what exactly happened a decade ago or more. Because of this, the program provided multiple information that was unknown before.

The Most Memorable Yet The Most Terrifying Year For WWE Fans
Untold Truths
Way back in the year, 2019 a channel which was named “Viceland” – which is now known to be “Vice on TV” – has premiered the series “Dark Side of the Ring”. It is made to explore the most controversial issues and troubling juncture in the life of all the professional wrestlers. And as the watcher’s stream this series, in the first couple of episodes of the second series of it, the show tackled about a case wherein murder and suicide were present. This said case is about the infamous Chris Benoit

Untold Truths