Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or which is also known as CTE is better defined today than it was back then. In fact, some sports organizations team up with some medical professionals in an attempt for the safety of the athlete’s condition. Based on Mayo Clinic, the damage in the brain of Chris may have already been done. The website of the medical center says that some signs and symptoms of CTE have something to do with difficulties with thinking, physical problems, and emotions. The trauma may occur after a year or more.

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Domestic Abuse As Some Says
Meanwhile, in the wake of Benoit, some people put the blame on the organization of WWE. The ex-wife of the “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Debra Williams, certainly had strong words against the organization when she told the Fox affiliate KDVR who is based in Denver, “Domestic and drug abuse is out of hand in the WWE, and something needs to be done about it.” Williams also claimed that she had been placed under a gag order when it came to her ex-husband and the domestic abuse of other wrestlers.

Domestic Abuse As Some Says