Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Of course, it is given that David and Sandra were heavily affected by this tragedy that happened to their family. At the end of the documentary about Chris Benoit, a new detail about the pair was brought up to the light. And even there was an emotional struggle and despite the terrible events have been talked about, it is true that the light is at the end of the tunnel, something good had come out of the making of this program that was dedicated to David’s father and Sandra’s sister.

Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Additional Grievance
During the filming, Sandra was asked if there was any contact that she had made with her nephew, she then replied, “I was told – I won’t say by who – that the children didn’t want anything to do with us. And, apparently, the children were told we didn’t want anything to do with them because of what their dad did – which was absolutely not the truth.” It adds up to her grief knowing that there was this kind of talk that made her relationship with her nephew to become miserable.

Additional Grievance