Calling Up To The Authorities
Another Detective recalled to the True Crime Daily, which was Detective Larry Brandenburg. “The front door opened, and a gentleman came out with bushy, kind of long hair and a beard. And he said, ‘Hi, ladies,’ these words that came from the unknown man startled them. Then Klaas’ friend quickly called the authorities. They both arrived in the scene and what was brought up to their eyes was a mother of two, who is naked and bound on the floor located in her own bedroom.

Calling Up To The Authorities
Mission Failed For The Assailant
It is said that someone, which is probably the man that Klaas’ friends saw, had tied one leg of a pair of pantyhose around Klaas’ hands. Later on, the investigators found out that the individual had then used the other leg and a bra to strangle a 32-year-old woman, Klaas. But the assailant’s quest was not totally finished, while Klaas laid on the floor of her bedroom unconscious, she was still living at that exact moment. Her neighbours successfully interrupted the attacker before he completely did the crime.

Mission Failed For The Assailant