Fallen Angel
The year 1990 was the start of the story itself. Bringing back the time, that year, Chris was married to his first wife, Martina. They had two loving children who were named David and Megan. But, knowing that Chris Benoit has a part in the wrestling industry, his focus to his family went off and had set his eyes to a new good-looking lady who was also a part of WCW booker Kevin Sullivan’s entourage, she is Nancy Toffolino. Nancy was known to have a ring name called “Fallen Angel”.

Fallen Angel
Secret Affair
By this time, the clouds are slightly getting clearer and clearer. Let us say that Kevin Sullivan and Chris Benoit were known rivals in the wrestling world, and now their rivalry has grown bigger and became personal. This is because Nancy Tuffoloni and Kevin Sullivan are real-life spouses. It was mentioned a while ago that Chris Benoit is somehow attracted to Nancy Tuffoloni. At first, they were only pretending to have an affair in front of the camera, but this act became somewhat real and that became the case.

Secret Affair