Alleged Acts Against Chris Benoit
Inside the documents of her divorce files, it was said there that Tufolloni alleged her husband had “lost his temper and threatened to strike her and cause extensive damage to the home and personal belongings of the parties, including furniture.” These were the words that Nancy put against his husband Chris Benoit. She said that she was threatened by him and not only that, Nancy said that their young son was also involved for the threatening, leading her to claim that she also feared for her son, Daniel, his safety.

Alleged Acts Against Chris Benoit
All Is Well After All
After all, that happened and all the allegations put up by Nancy against Chris Benoit, in August 20003, all cases were dropped against Chris. Nancy Tuffoloni suddenly dropped both the suit and a restraining order against her husband, Chris Benoit. There were rumours that these two were convinced by their neighbour and a fellow wrestler, Johnny Grunge, to get back together and enjoy the life they had back then. At the incoming events of WWE at that time, Benoit and Tuffoloni continued to present themselves as if everything was fine.

All Is Well After All