Sukhoi Su-57
Simply gorgeous! Perhaps the sleekest aircraft paint scheme on this list is the Digi-camo paint job on this Russian fighter jet, if not all the time. Now, if you’re following the U.S. Air Force closely, You may have seen a recent USAF F-16 paint job that looks eerily similar to this one. Well, given that this jet is almost identical to the USAF’s F-22 Raptor, we think it’s fair that because they steal entire fighter jet ideas, the Air Force can steal a paint job idea. But we’re getting off-topic anyway … this is as cool as they come. On to something a little bit more … powered by batteries …

Sukhoi Su-57
Duracell AA Batteries Powered This Aircraft
This custom paint job of the Duracell batteries on the front of what looks like a C-130 Hercules aircraft is a great one. We love the custom aircraft painting jobs that are so easy yet, so efficient-it looks like a battery! Furthermore, these Duracell AA batteries go into a big bin for donations from Toys for Tots makes it all the greater. Big thanks to all those involved, particularly those involved in creating that amazing custom C-130 paint job! Next up is another military aircraft, and boy is it a beauty.

Duracell AA Batteries Powered This Aircraft