Carbon Footprints
Julia wants to be a conscious customer, which means she is conscious of the fashion industry’s environmental impact. Clothing consumption is at an all-time high across the globe at the moment. It is sad, but the planet’s resources are being depleted by these unsustainable practices and a lack of environmental regulations. It is her aim to lower her carbon footprint. This is also why she purchased a fair-trade hemp dress from a clothing line called ‘Thought.’ When they learned the truth, how did the others react?

Carbon Footprints
Negative Reactions
A lot of people in general found it disgusting. They claimed that every single day wearing the same piece of clothing was not hygienic. She has attempted to assure them, however, that this is not the case. She said, “I just tell them: this is not a project about hygiene. I wash it as needed. I come to work clean. Lots of people wear uniforms, and they are not assumed to be dirty.” We are glad to hear that!

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