The Ultimate Comfort
The great news is that, day after day, Elizabeth did not find it really hard to wear the very same thing. She found it, in reality, convenient. She said, “I had plenty of options for cold weather, but I’m so happy in the summer. It’s really, really comfortable.” Maybe you don’t want to take this challenge on your own, but we’re sure you can look at your closet and lead a more simpler life. How much things do we really need, genuinely?

The Ultimate Comfort
A Minimal Wardrobe
“If you’re thinking about ways to build a more minimal wardrobe, the Avery Tank Dress from Wool& provides both versatility and durability across the seasons. In a time where sustainability and waste is a hot topic, the ability to get more value and use from the items you own is of the utmost importance,” she said in her personal blog. Hearing that she received a free dress by signing up for the challenge is kinda awesome. Apart from that, on her next purchase, she also got a voucher for $100!

A Minimal Wardrobe