It Was Getting Hotter
She felt ashamed and attempted to find a solution to the situation. The teacher found a book and used it to fan herself. The blazing sun, that being said, was a noteworthy opponent. When it was so hot, it was difficult to think straight. The day felt infinite. The students were happy to meet her, but she couldn’t help but feel like she wasn’t doing a great job of making the first impression.

It Was Getting Hotter
The Rest Of The Day
Since all she desired to do was head home, the intros felt unending. Julia just wanted to end the day so that the preceding day she could do a great job. That first day of work was genuinely a challenge to get through. She could eventually, at long last, go to her car and head home. The way the dress stuck to her skin made her feel mortified. She tried to reassure herself that doing better would not be difficult. You know what they say, there’s another day tomorrow! The teacher had her dress washed and left it to dry out.

The Rest Of The Day