Lubricating Swings And Other Playground Equipment
Man, there is simply something about the sounds of see-saws and swings that will take us back to our childhood days. However, a couple of seconds should do the trick. Any longer than listening to it will likely give you a headache! If your kids love playing on the playground, WD-40 will address the issue.

Lubricating Swings And Other Playground Equipment
Cleaning Ashtrays
A smoker’s ashtray is useful to catch all the ash, but they are pretty disgusting in all honesty. Are you tired of having to scrub the ashes away so often? If you aren’t keen on the idea of quitting just yet, this trick should make your life a little easier. Simply spray the surface with WD-40 before you use it and cleaning time should be a breeze!

Cleaning Ashtrays