Stephanie Grisham (Press Secretary) — $183,000
Stephanie Grisham is basically the mouthpiece of Trump for the press. She has one of the highest incomes in the White House staff. If you have not noticed, it is not easy at all. As a matter of fact, she is the third person to have this job title under Trump. In the same year that he started his term, Sean Spicer resigned and got replaced by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who also resigned abruptly in 2019. Grisham took over the role after her. In 2016, Josh Earnest earned $176,4651 in 2016 under Obama.

Stephanie Grisham (Press Secretary) — $183,000
Ivanka Trump And Jared Kushner (Advisor To The President And Senior Advisor) — $0
President Trump has been praised for his leaner White House payroll, which also applies to a few of his advisors. Ivanka Trump, the first daughter, and her husband Jared Kushner hold the official titles of advisor and senior advisor, respectively. Although you will find their names on the White House salary report, you should see that they make a stunning $0 for these positions. The two of them decided to refuse a paycheck for the positions that they hold.

Ivanka Trump And Jared Kushner (Advisor To The President And Senior Advisor) — $0