It Is Risky
As the saying goes, “It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.” That’s exactly what happened to him, too. Even if you enjoy trapping, it’s not the most secure hobby.

It Is Risky
Greg Stephens discussed it on his blog. He has numerous trapping-related injuries. While he has experienced poor luck in the past, he is not afraid to discuss it. He wants people to understand what they’re getting into.
Free From Traps
Everyone isn’t a fan of people who use traps. A large population of nuisance species, on the other hand, is a problem. What do you have to work with?

Free From Traps
To avoid the use of traps, a group is making an attempt to relocate animals. Wyoming Untrapped does not tolerate leg hold traps. Trapping and transporting animals is done in a humane manner instead.