The Timber Wolf
Do you know what distinguishes timberwolves from other wolves? Gray wolves are another name for this species. It’s found all over North America and Eurasia. They are enormous creatures, weighing up to 100 pounds! Gray fur with white and black markings can be found all over their bodies.

The Timber Wolf
Timberwolves can live for a long time in ideal conditions. These species have also been known to live up to 16 years. They are social animals with a high level of intelligence.
Men And Wolves
Collisions between humans and wolves are nothing new. There have been times in history when things between wolves and humans have gone wrong. Wolves can wreak havoc on a farm and slaughter livestock for no apparent reason at times. Agriculturalists despise them.

Men And Wolves
Wolves, on the other hand, rarely attack humans. Only the most ruthless are capable of doing so. While healthy wolves have been known to attack humans, such incidents are extremely rare. It only happens when they are in danger. The majority of the time, wolves stay away from humans due to fear.