Waiting For Dad
The wolf appeared to be getting used to the humans around him. The two men who remained stayed with the wolf while John’s father went in search of more supplies. It came to an end eventually. He could tell it was tired because he kept panting the entire time.
For more information, John circled the issue. It was simply not an option for him to make a mistake at this point. They had to get the wolf out of there as quickly as possible, or they could all perish.
Thinking It Through
For John, the time since they’d discovered the wolf in its trap seemed like an eternity. It was difficult for him to remain calm and patient, but he persevered. This wasn’t your typical hunting problem, after all.
It was the first time he’d done anything like it. There were some doubts about whether or not the plans would allow them to free the wolf properly. But he was well aware that it would be difficult. It’s at this point that the gun and plywood come into play.