With so many different diets and health trends floating around, bread has recently gained a negative reputation. Many experts claim that not only is it not healthy for our bodies but for people trying to shed pounds, it should be avoided at all costs. With that being said, believe it or not, but there are several different types of amazing bread options you can include, especially if you are following a low-carb diet. The correct kind of bread can actually be extremely nutritious! The good news is that we are here to guide you make the right choice when it comes to choosing bread. Continue reading to see exactly which are the healthiest types of bread that you can include in your diet.

The Healthiest Types Of Breads You Need To Include In Your Diet
If you haven’t yet hopped on the Sourdough train yet, we highly recommend that you do. Sourdough bread is made by fermenting flour and water instead of using yeast. Also, there usually isn’t added sugar either. Many dieticians have said that the long fermentation process allows the bacteria to break down the carbs and gluten in the bread, making it so much easier for people to digest. Sourdough bread has many health benefits and is a much better alternative to regular white or whole wheat bread. Not to mention, it is one of the most delicious bread options.
Oat Bread
Oat bread is one of the newest types of healthy bread on the market. Oat bread is typically made from a combination of oats, whole wheat flour, yeast, salt, and water. As oats are highly nutritious and linked to a number of health benefits, oat bread has been named one of the healthiest bread options for people. In addition to all of its health benefits, oat bread is slow-digesting which makes you feel fuller for a lot longer. Many dieticians have also recommended eating this kind of bread for those who want to reduce constipation.
Whole Wheat Bread
Whole wheat bread has been around for quite a number of years and has always been known to be a great healthy alternative, compared to other bread that is available. Whole wheat bread is packed with a large amount of fiber, nutrients, and essential minerals such as selenium, manganese, calcium, thiamin, and phosphorus. Plus numerous studies have shown many positive effects of whole grains on weight control. Whole wheat bread has also been linked to several health benefits, including a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.
When compared to many other types of bread, rye is often said to be more notorious and healthier. Studies have shown that rye bread is not only great for gut health, but it also helps with feeling full for a longer period during the day as it has a slow digestion transit time. Unlike refined bread, rye bread contains many essential nutrients and is also packed with magnesium. Why is this so essential? Well, this helps control blood pressure and optimize heart health. Its high levels of soluble fiber can also reduce cholesterol.