The Best Way To Get Ready For Bikini Season When You’re In A Hurry
When bikini season is coming around we all know that feeling of scrambling around trying to get our body in shape for that itty bitty polka dot bikini. Unfortunately, we tend to push off getting in shape because summer seems so far off. By the time we realize that our pool party is just a week away, we don’t have enough time to transform our bodies. We’ve consulted with swimsuit experts to handle everything that you could imagine from bumps to bruises and anything in between.
No Sodium
Salt is the biggest enemy when it comes to bloating. If you want to get that flat belly before you have to sneak into your bikini then you should avoid all processed foods as they are high in salt. You may not realize this because often the salt in these items sneakily makes its way under other names. Bottom line is to avoid bloating stay away from these foods at least 24 hours before you need to strut your bikini!
Never Enough Water
The easiest way to prepare for a beach day is to stay hydrated! There’s no way to get out of this one given that it’s so easy and won’t break your bank account. Not only will your metabolism love this but your skin will be glowing too. Your body will be stimulated to release more fluids and you’ll get around water retention.
No Alcohol
Some people may struggle with this one but just remember it’s only one day! Alcohol and bloating go hand and hand so if you’re eager for the best results we recommend staying away from those tasty margaritas until your basking in the sun.
Work Hard, Play Harder
This may seem obvious but getting to the gym or moving in some way can help you achieve the results you’re looking for. Remember you only have 24 hours so you aren’t going to make a complete 180 in such a short period. At the same time, a bit of exercise can get your blood flowing and metabolism moving. It’s also great for you and a good excuse to get exercising, hopefully, you’ll stay up with it.