Is She Protecting It Or Is It A Potential Dinner?
After all, if she treats it as if it were her own, she’ll take good care of it. It’s possible to wonder what happened to the mother deer. Is it conceivable that a different lion murdered her? This lioness, thankfully, has chosen to be nice. He hoped it wasn’t a cruel ruse, and that her generosity wasn’t disguised in the photographer’s mind as self-meal preparation. After that, you’ll be pleased with what happens!

Is She Protecting It Or Is It A Potential Dinner?
Cleaning It Up
As soon as she sees the deer, the lioness begins grooming it. It doesn’t appear to bother the deer either. On the contrary, he appears to be having a great time. We can only imagine how upsetting it must have been for the young boy to be taken from his family and left alone in the middle of nowhere. Do you think she treated him like a cub or a victim, or did she have another goal in mind? What will happen to him?

Cleaning It Up