Lou Thesz (1932-1990)
No questions asked Lous Thesz has an unmatched endurance that no other wrestler has within pro wrestling. He has been acknowledged for the creation of moves such as the STF, the Thesz Press, and the German Suplex. Steve “Stone Cold” Austin even mimicked the Thesz Press. Regardless, this older legend was the NWA Heavyweight Champion on 3 occasions that totaled 3,700 days! Modern-day wrestling won’t be the same without him, that’s for sure!

Lou Thesz (1932-1990)
Terry Funk (1965-Present)
Terry Funk joins the likes of people like Lou Thesz. This wrestler now and again still enters the ring even though he is 75 years old. He just won’t quit! nearly every wrestler out there has come face to face with Funk at some point in the past. He is also responsible for assisting the ECW to get off the ground after it branched out from NWA during 1994.

Terry Funk (1965-Present)