Ranking The Intelligence Level Of Each State From Dumbest To Smartest

Published on 03/12/2021

Arizona – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree: 30%

The Grand Canyon State ranks 44th out of 50 states in terms of educational efficiency, and its educational achievement ranking isn’t especially promising. On Forbes’ ranking, none of Arizona’s top-rated schools made the top 150. Arizona State University – Tempe, the highest, came in at No. 186. In 2019, Arizona had one of the country’s highest average unemployment rates, at 4.7 percent of the total population.

Arizona – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 30%

Arizona – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 30%

Texas – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree: 32%

Texas would get a lone star for educational attainment if WalletHub used a different rating system. Just one other state does poorly when it comes to inspiring students to complete high school. That seems to have nothing to do with Texas’ educational standard, which is a good 15 out of 50. Forbes ranked its three highest-rated schools, all in the top 100. In 2019, the statewide unemployment rate was also lower than the national average.

Texas – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 32%

Texas – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 32%