Keeping your Fruit Trees Bird Free
There are certain kinds of birds that hate all things shiny. This fun fact is important for the tip we are about to give you. You should do this if you want the pesky intruders to stay away from your fruit tree!

Keeping Your Fruit Trees Bird Free
It is not complicated at all. The only thing that you have to do would be to put up some tin foil strips on the tree. This is a good way to keep the birds at bay.
Avoid Static
Some say that dryer sheets leave behind chemicals on the other things that you put inside the machine. Aside from that, they will make towels less absorbent. Use tin foil instead of dryer sheets instead!

Avoid Static
Simply fashion a ball with the use of a tin foil sheet. After that, you can place this inside the dryer. If you want an extra tip, put a tennis ball instead to cut the drying time even further!