Wifi Signal Booster
We can understand just how annoying it is when the internet connection acts up. The following tip is going to sound weird, but this works. Fold the tin foil into a parabolic dish in order to boost the signal!

Wifi Signal Booster
It might look quite strange, but there are moments when you need to do what you need to do. Trust us, this will come in very handy. There is nothing more frustrating than slow internet connection, after all.
Wet Bed Prevention
We know it sounds weird to add tin foil between your bed sheet and mattress. However, you will love this tip if your kid still pees in bed. It is annoying to clean the sheets every night, right?

Wet Bed Prevention
By doing this, you are adding a waterproof barrier. Are you worried that it will make sounds or add textures? Well, don’t be. This would not be a problem if you add a towel over the foil.