Garlic has made a name for itself by its reported ability to ward off vampires, but what’s interesting is that it comes with heart-boosting components too. We already love it for the savory taste it brings to meals, it also brings down blood pressure and lowers the plaque level in the arteries. Aside from these impressive things, garlic prevents the constriction of blood vessels in the body! If for some reason, you do not like the taste, you can opt to consume it in the form of a pill.

Red Wine
If you like red wine the way we do, this is going to make your day! Who knew that drinking a moderate amount of vino will not only let you unwind but also keep your ticker in check? This is not going to be hard at all – quite the opposite, in fact. Experts say that drinking red wine in moderation will improve your HDL levels and bring down the risk for the buildup of cholesterol. The beverage offers antioxidants that can prevent heart disease and the formation of blood clots. It does these things by ensuring that the blood vessels in the body are flexible!

Red Wine