These Are The Foods You Should Be Eating If You Want A Healthier Heart

Published on 06/23/2019

Brazil Nuts

When it comes to South American nuts, we do not think anything can beat Brazil nuts when it comes to taste. It is thus good to know that the superfood is rich in the good kind of fat as well as a bunch of other nutrients and antioxidants. It would not even be on this list if not for the fact that it’s good for the heart.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts


Fatty Fish

No, there is no error here! We know that it might sound pretty ironic to have fatty fish on a list like this one. However, names are merely names – this kind of fish actually has plenty of health benefits! If you want to know what fatty fish is, the list includes mackerel, sardines, lake trout, herring, tuna, and salmon. These varieties all boast of omega-3 fatty acids, which means good things for your heart.

Fatty Fish

Fatty Fish