Another Contender For The Title
Let us talk about the Kodiak bear this time. Named after the Southwest Alaskan islands, this creature has similar measurements to the Polar bear. This is the reason they share the title for the biggest land carnivore! Polar bears almost exclusively eat meat, but the Kodiak bear has a more diverse diet that depends on the season. In spring, these animals like to eat fresh vegetation near the carcasses of animals that did not survive the winter. On the other hand, they eat berries, vegetation, and salmon in the summer. Regardless of the time of the year, they eat deer, seaweed, and garbage. Even though most adult bears die of natural causes, nearly all adult male Kodiak bears die at the hands of hunters.
Bob The Goldfish Is Larger Than Life
We want to introduce you to Big Bob. He is a goldfish that is as big as a Subway foot-long sandwich! Anne Cooper, his owner, got him from the pet shop. Even though he was just an inch long back then, he now dwarfs the other fish in her tank! He is actually living in his fifth tank because he kept outgrowing his old ones. According to Anne, he tends to get violent when he is not fed on time and thrashes around so violently that he scares off her cats. Aside from this, Big Bob also has a hatred of the color red.