The Chinese Giant Salamander Is The Largest Amphibian
The Chinese giant salamander lives in the lakes and mountain streams of China. It is also the biggest amphibian out there! An adult salamander typically measures around 3.77 feet across and weighs anywhere from 55 pounds to 66 pounds. The heaviest specimen ever discovered weighed 110 pounds and measured 5.9 feet across. These animals eat a lot of things. They typically feed on things like worms, fish, crabs, insects, shrimps, water shrews, and other amphibians. Sadly, its current conservation status is critically endangered. The population of this amphibian continues to go down at the hands of humans. It is also neat to learn that these creatures have unique vocalizations that sound like a crying child!
The Second Biggest Invertebrate Is Not A Myth
There was a time when it was thought that the giant squid was nothing more than a myth. In 2002, it was photographed by a team of Japanese scientists at last. Two years later, the first one was captured in the wild. It is one of the largest living invertebrates, second only to the very rare and elusive Colossal squid. A female giant squid can reach a length of 43 feet and a weight of 606 pounds, while the male one can grow as long as 33 feet from top to bottom and weigh half of that at most. When it comes to their diet, they eat deep-sea fish and fellow squid. They are only preyed upon by the Sperm whale.