These Car Repair Tips Would Help Save You Tons Of Money

Published on 08/04/2021

Need To Keep Things In Place? Use Command Hooks

Let’s say you need somewhere to put your purse, bag, or mask, so it doesn’t fly around. The best option is to hang a command hook at floor level. As a result, you’ll have easy access to everything you need, and everything will be neat and tidy. Keep this tip in mind at all times, and you’ll never run out of room in your car.

Need To Keep Things In Place Use Command Hooks

Need To Keep Things In Place Use Command Hooks


Gauge Your Garage Parking With A Tennis Ball

Is it difficult for you to find a parking spot in your garage? It’s fortunate that we’re available to help. For some people, determining how far forward they’ve pulled into there can be difficult. All you have to do is suspend a tennis ball from the garage ceiling with a string. Once you’ve driven far enough in, it should rest on your windshield. You won’t have to rely on educated guesses any longer. The pinnacle of precision!

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Gauge Your Garage Parking With A Tennis Ball